Saturday, June 23, 2012

Second Birthday Burlesque Bash

June marked the second anniversary of Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School in Christchurch. It's been a stupendous couple of years filled with breathtaking burlesque, scintillating sketching and large quantities of bawdy jokes, booze and boobs. Our birthday session was one big Party Party Party!

To get the party started and celebrate in style, crowd favourite and sketchy siren Gracie Hart paid us a special visit from the windy shores of Wellington.

 Our stage set as well as the model looked good enough to eat!

You can have our cake and sketch it too! (But don't touch the shoes)

Best. Present. Ever.

 The crowd was a festive one - donning glad rags, party hats and sketching up a storm!

For her first performance, Gracie sang a sultry number that got all our hearts thumping.

Gracie Hart: sugar and spice and all kinds of nice!

One of our embellishment challenges was to draw a portrait of your dream date on a balloon. Our prize winner got a bit more than he bargained for...

To prevent any peckish art monkeys from getting their nibble on, the wonderful Princess Pi baked us a giant batch of cupcakes. They went down a treat at half-time!

Gracie spoilt our crowd further when the time came for her second performance. Glow sticks for everyone! Glitter! And glowing body paint! After the second party-licious performance, we had our first ever pose in the dark! We encouraged the audience to take pause and try to capture the essence of the glowing hand prints Gracie had left, er, behind...

The sketchy girls and our rugged up art monkeys partied on at Smash Palace - where our old friends and hosts from Goodbye Blue Monday now ply beer and mulled wine from inside a bus! It was a great reunion of burlesque, bikes and a very ubiquitous can of whipped cream....


It's been a crazy, fabulous and rewarding couple of years. We owe many thanks to our loyal art monkeys, who have continued to give Tawdry an excuse to parade about in various states of undress, Rosie an outlet for her amazing drinking and design skills, and a multitude of performers a gig to showcase their talents and er, assets on a regular basis.

We'd also like to thank our brilliant sponsors for their ongoing support - they keep us inspired, excited and supplied with awesome prizes for every session. Show them some love and if you happen to pop on into their shops, let them know the Sketchy Girls sent you (with love) - Absolution Tattoo and Body Piercing, Madame Butterfly's Vintage Style Boutique, Gordon Harris Art Supplies and international sponsor Baby Tattoo Books.

Our sketchy shenanigans couldn't run like they do without the aid of minions, photographers, friends and cohorts - we'd like to acknowledge the many people who help Rosie and Tawdry each and every session!

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